In 2090 …
I've recently seen this meme circulating around social media, so I decided to fix it. Having lost my beloved grandmother this past year, it gives me even more perspective. If I found a photo of her like the one on the right, I would be thinking, "Alright! You go, Grandma!" I would be excited to see the family resemblance, how we share a similar body shape or bone structure. I would be feeling connected to her and wondering what she was like as a younger woman. I certainly wouldn't be objectifying her or judging her attempt at trying to feel attractive. I wouldn't be ashamed or embarrassed of her like this meme is implying a grandchild should feel.
It makes me sad that the ones I've seen sharing this meme are other women. Come on, ladies. We can do better than this. There's enough misogyny in the world. We don't need to participate in it ourselves. :(
Something else to consider for those who take issue with the photo on the right: in a society in which women are routinely objectified and treated as if our bodies are our most valuable attribute, is it any surprise that some of us might internalize that to a degree and just want to feel like we're one of the beautiful ones too?